Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Today I am thankful

This morning I was doing some things in the house.  The never ending pile of laundry, that I despise, the constant loading and unloading of the dishwasher, the cleaning up of Avery's 15 water glasses that get scattered around the house, like in the movie, Signs.  Cleaning up the alphabet magnets behind the toilet....ya know...normal day.

In the midst of all this fun, my phone had a text message come through.  When I looked at it, this is what I saw:
There was a message that read:
Patrick has been grasping this shaker beautifully during music therapy today.

It was from his teacher.  HEART...FULL

Patrick hates holding items in his hand. With the exception of his sippycup and a crinkly chew toy.  Normally when you put something like this in his hand, he will open his hand and refuse to hold it.  He pushes it away like the plague.


I'm so proud of him and his progress.

What makes it even better was that his teacher took the time to take his picture and send me a text message.


Enjoy your day.

1 comment:

  1. Heart….full. Love this post. These milestones are what keep us going. Keep us hopeful. Keep us encouraged. Your laundry and dishwasher pile sounds like ours….so glad you were able to have this silver lining in todays messes. :) xo
