Thursday, August 22, 2013


Before I start, I want to say that we have it easy compared to a lot of other families out there!  We feel lucky that things tend to always work out.  We know that what may seem like a frustration to us, is something someone else would be thankful for.  We get it....BUT...sometimes things just irritate me, and I have the right to express it, just like anyone else, so I will vent to all of you!!!  Besides, I think I have been mostly positive thus far, but if you really want to know our whole story, you'll have to hear about the bad days too...

So some days(and even weeks) I feel like a secretary.  I can spend hours on the phone just taking care of appts, etc for my kiddos.  No big deal.  I liked being a secretary when I had that job;). What frustrates me more then ever at this point in my companies and stupid people!  I don't mind being on the phone all day taking care of stuff for my kids, because it's my job, but guess what....if I am calling your business, it's  also your job to be courteous to people and to at least pretend you care.  What is wrong with people today that they just hate working while they are at WORK!  You should be thankful to have your job.  There are a lot of people out there who would love to take your place!

I realize this is a 2-way street.  I know people who call businesses can be turds too, so i get that! I know how frustrating it must be to have someone on the other end of the phone being rude....wait....isn't that my point???  But every new call should be that...a new call!!  Most of the time I can kill them with kindness, but sometimes you just have to tell people that just because your miserable, don't make everyone else's day miserable too.  This frustrates, me the most when these people are working in a field that deals with children.

Now this leads me to the stupid insurance companies.  What does it take to get good insurance without selling your children and eating franks and beans everyday to pay for it.  Then when you do these things, they still don't cover anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Oh, I cut off my arm and give it to you every month........oh, thats not enough, we still need a$3000 deductible.  You try to buy the non-HMO because it's supposed to NOT manage your healthcare, but yet they still do.  One of my favorite experiences was, I was once told by Blue Cross that they wouldn't cover Patricks physical therapy(which was a covered benefit) because their doctors didn't think it was necessary for him to have it.  You can imagine how pleased I was by this statement.  Basically I told her I was thankful for those doctors and their hard work behind their desk, diagnosing my 3 year old who has a rare genetic disorder, who can't walk, crawl, speak, etc., and for looking out for his best interests.  He doesnt need therapy, what was i thinking???  Thanks to those doctors for taking the time to get to know Patrick and realizing he didn't need it.  Sigh....

Then we pay into a secondary insurance to help offset some of the deductibles, and things not covered, only to find out, they don't cover half the stuff that they used to.  So we have to now look into a 3rd for Patrick that will cover more medical supplies or we can pay $1.50 per diaper when he outgrows the store ones.

Right now we are just trying to get him a bath chair and a big boy bed that will keep him safe, because he doesn't realize when he is rolling around.  We started this in March.  We are still getting letters that they need more information as to why he needs them.   WTF???  The letter and info we have already sent them over the past 5 months still isn't enough???  What is wrong with this picture???  I would rather have them just come to my house and meet him.  No we are not scamming the system....we actually need it.

 Like I said, we are only one family going through these things, just like millions of others out there, who have much more frustrating stories than me!  I read about all of our other PKS families and the things they endure to make sure their children have what they need.  As well as just people and families in general who are trying to get by like this.  But the thing is, it can wear you down, then fire you up to do more.  What else can you do right??   I do want to do more to change things, I just don't know what it is yet.....

I need to stop now because nap time for the boys is over.  I wont apologize if people thing i am complaining, because I am not.  This is my therapy because I cant afford to go to a real one because all my money goes to the insurance companies and its not a covered benefit!! Thanks for listening to my brief was therapeutic:)

Ending on a happy note....a few pics:
Avery driving with Uncle Brian
My boys watching baby Einstein :)


  1. Sing it, girl! It's insanely frustrating. We don't WANT piles of equipment littering our living room and bedrooms, sadly we NEED it. :(

    On a good note, you can have Simon's bath chair if you want it. It is a Leckey, size 1, I believe. We can't give him tub baths anymore...I just don't feel safe doing it. Let me know!

  2. I was going through my comments and realized I never replied to this....
    Thank you for the offer!!! We got his this week:). You're so kind!!!
