Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Information overload

So it's much longer of a gap then I anticipated between blogs.  Sorry about that....but life happens:). So updates galore!!  First, we have a crawler!!!  Jameson took off and went from crawling to very close to pulling himself up to furniture and standing, in a matter of a week!  Our life has officially changed!!!!  I never really had to baby proof for Avery and Patrick, but Jameson is a whole new ball game!  I have said No and redirected him about a million times, but it amazes me how he already knows the tone of me and Tim's voice when we say his name.  He will bury his head in the carpet and pout and flash his big brown eyes.  It's the cutest:). But he is learning to stay away from things that are not safe, so that's important!
Places to go

What?  It wasn't me...

Our sweet Avery got all A's on her report card and is highly anticipating her daddy daughter dance this weekend with Tim.  He is also anticpating the opportunity to show off his stellar dance moves in front of a bunch of Avery's friends.  She is doing great and enjoying all the time off from school they've had lately, especially since she got to turn the living room into a gym so she could practice her gymnastics.  It got interesting a few times considering her legs are longer then my whole body, but no one lost an eye or anything, so it was worth it.

Well I don't want to jinx us so all I can say is we had our 4th offer accepted on a house without being outbid.  So far it looks positive:). It's similar to our house in Virginia, but has a 2 car garage and the fireplace I wanted!!  That's all I will say for now because like I said....don't want to jinx!!  Will keep you updated!!

This is how I found Jameson sleeping the other night.  He must be depressed about something. Don't worry, I moved him.

Now on to my bubby boy.  He started going to school with me on Thursdays and he seems to really enjoy it!  I loved it as well, so much so, that I forgot to take pictures:(. But he did great!  He did circle time and held onto little instruments when music was playing.  He was sitting in this little rocking chair and it was by far the cutest thing I've ever seen!!!  He was just soaking it all in!  We played on a slide and took him for a ride on a little plastic sled to help him with his balance.  Then he played in a salt tray with his hands and had snack with his little friends.  It was so fun for both of us.  He actually made it to the end before getting tired.  The teacher and assistant are amazing and the 2 other children were so cute and just loved Patrick:). They were helping him with everything.  It was cute!

So have I mentioned how much I love U of M healthcare??  Well I do!!!  So last week Patrick was going to see the pediatrician for a check up.  This was a different pediatrician then the first time we were there, but in the same group.  I really wanted to see her because she was highly recommended, but she was booked when we initially went.  Well, I can see why she is highly recommended(keep in mind, that I loved the first pediatrician he saw).  Usually before I take him to an appt, I write out the questions I have in my binder so I remember everything.  It just so happened that this trip had a huge list because he is due for follow ups with cardiology, kidney ultrasound and some other things.  From the second she walked in the door, she was amazing!  She had read everything on his record before she came in, she researched PKS before she came in and she just got to work on what he needed.  She hit everything on my list based on reading his records from other U of M doctors and DC doctors. I never had to refer to my binder.....but then again I haven't had to much at all with any of the doctors he has seen there.  So by the time we left, we had a cardiology referral, kidney ultrasound referral, sleep clinic and neurology referral, handicap sticker application and some other things that I am too tired to remember.  

So yesterday we went to see sports med and orthopedics in Ann arbor and again, the doctor was awesome!  She sat with me for an hour learning about our family and Patrick.  She went over so many things that have been on my mind, but wasnt sure where to start.  She got us set up for his ankle braces, she is helping us get a secondary insurance for him, she went over options for standers or walking assistance equipment, bathing supplies, how he should be transported to school(because his stroller harness is not safe enough), getting him properly seated in his modified stroller(we've been having trouble with it), going over options for school.  She just gave me a lot of information that was just fantastic and made me feel better and overwhelmed, but in a good way:). I sometimes have days when I question our move, but when I see the care that Patrick gets, it puts my mind at ease.  I have rarely had to use my binder at an appt, except to put something in it.  Before, I would spend the first 10 minutes of an appt explaining PKS, but so far, they have taken the time to research it before they come in.  Some people think I am crazy for driving him the distance but it's completely worth it, when every doctor he sees has each others information.  That alone saves a parent time and stress!  The other thing is....my bubby is worth the drive:)

I will keep you updated on the house.  I just shared pics of Jameson today and I will hopefully have some of Avery and Tim going to the dance too:).   Thanks for following us!  


  1. We, too, love U of M. We don't go to a pediatrician there--we have a home town doc for that, but we did see a dev. ped for awhile, she was amazing!

    Who did they refer you to for sleep and neuro? LOVE LOVE LOVE our neurologist.

    And it sounds like the orthopedics visit was AMAZING! That is a heck of a resource!

    1. Ooh please give me the name of your neurologist so I can request him. We don't have a specific one yet because we talked extensively about whether to just send him to the neurologist first, but she said the sleep clinic is combined with neurology so we could do that first. He has been having a lot of issues sleeping lately. He is consistently Jolting himself awake after sleeping for about an hour. Sometimes he cries out and sometimes it's kind of jerky. But it's only when sleeping. So we both decided sleep study first and they will have neurology there to direct us as well! Thanks so much and I hope Simon is doing great! I still need to take a pic with my shirt:)
