Christmas, Bubby's birthday and the anniversary of his diagnosis.
This time of year marks the anniversary. March 31, 2011, was the day we saw the geneticist, and for the first time in our lives heard the term PKS. We got the official confirmation like a week or 2 later. How the days, weeks and months, that followed, were both so vivid and so foggy. Holding it together in the doctors office and then just sobbing in the car to Tim. Me-thinking the worst....Tim-bringing me back to the positive.
Today, I thought about that day. I had a moment at therapy with Patrick where I just wanted to cry. Not because I was sad, but because I realized how far we have come since that day. He has been doing so well lately and progressing so beautifully.... and then it dawned on me, that we have gone through this "diagnosis" period, this year, without realizing it. No funk, No fog, No tears.
I see how far HE has come AND how far WE have come too. All of the fears that I had initially, most are still there, but I have come to realize, that they will always be there, and I have to accept that(most days). And....I have realized that we have fears for each of our kids, just in different ways. I am not saying I will never have this funk again during this time of year. I will. I am sure of this. But I am thankful for this year. I am thankful and so proud of how well Patrick is doing right far he has he has proved people he has just amazed us and brought so much to our holding something as simple as a toy, brings me to he has taken the unknown of what was ahead and made it a bright spot in our lives. I am so proud of him. I am so thankful to him for making me a different person, than the one I was in that genetecists office 3 years ago.
I love you Bubby...You're simply da best :)
Here is what I did in therapy today. These were taken in order.....
Ok...I'm holding a fan(bubble maker)
I think I like it
Yup, I do!
This is just the best..
Quite Amazing...
I could get used to this
All by myself
The Best :)