Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thankful...for sleep tonight:)

Forgive me for any errors, Tim and I are working on 2 hours sleep because my sweet boy decided he wanted to hang out in the ER all night:(. Last night he spiked a fever of almost 104 and was shaking, vomitting and lethargic, so we thought we better take him in.  Of course as soon as we get to the ER and walk down the hallway, Patrick perks his little head off Tim's shoulder and starts his, "ta-ta-ta" noise that he does when he is happy...of course:). Little stinker!!  But he rarely gets sick and I have never seen him this bad.  I don't like to mess around with him, so off to U of M we went!  They ruled out all the big stuff (ears, pnemonia, UTI) and chalked it up to a virus.  Patrick almost enjoyed it there a little too much...hoping he doesn't make it a habit;). He slept a lot today and we finally got some applesauce down tonight, and he seems better, still a little warm.  Hoping we can rest up tomorrow and see family Friday.  We shall see...
I make this look good!

I wanted to show off his new toy!!  So excited!!!  This is his gait trainer, that will help him learn to take steps!  He loves it so far!

Next I want to say how thankful we are for a few things.  First of all, his fundraiser was a huge success!!  We sold a ton!  Way more than expected!!!  So thank you!!!!!  I would love for everyone to email or text me a pic wearing the shirt when you get them....I have a plan:).

The one thing I would like to share this year, that I am truly thankful for, is the care that Patrick is getting here, both medically and in school.  The ER was so efficient with him.  But the most meaningful thing that they did, was they talked to him like they would any other kid.  You would be surprised at how some doctors are kind of timid or nurses who aren't sure what to make of him.  He isn't anything to be scared of just because he can't use words to communicate.  He still deserves to be talked to just like any other kid.  We have had doctors who wouldn't talk to him or almost didn't know how to handle him.  The nurses and doctors last night talked to him and were just so sweet to him in general.  Very compassionate and kind.  That is a big deal to us!  So thank you U of M!
Next are his teacher and therapists at school, whom we are so thankful for this year!   They truly love him.  The one thing I love most about them, is they do the same things with Patrick, that they would any other child.  His activities are so cute and funny.  My favorite part of the day is seeing what he brought home! We know that he doesn't do a lot of it(he will someday).  But they sit him down and go through the process with him, which makes me smile:). It means so much to see him just being treated like anyone else.  He is learning so much from it.  Sure there are things he won't be able to do, but they find a way to adapt, without him just sitting in the corner doing nothing.
Love this...all the things he is thankful for!
His little hands as leaves.  Cuteness..

So I guess I am thankful for the people around us, that just love Patrick the way he is. I don't have to explain why he is the way he is.  They care for him and treat him like anyone else.  Sometimes it can be frustrating walking through a store or the mall and people stare at him(I mean who wouldn't?  He is awesome).  So when you find people who don't think twice about coming up and talking to him or hugging him and don't care that he may not talk back or hug in return, you are thankful.  

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Is he spending his days with other women???

Yes, he is!  He comes home everyday smelling of perfume.  No, not my Timothy.....but my sweet Patrick!  Everyday he comes home from school and he tells me about his day, and we cuddle.  I always tell him he smells like other women.  He has a perfume smell everyday, which makes me happy!  It makes me happy because I know he is getting loved!  He is getting cuddled and held and they are just loving him.  How could I not be happy about that?  One of my biggest fears about sending him off to school, was that he would sit in a corner all day or not get any attention.   I know that he isn't.  He is loving it and they send notes home everyday telling me how they are having so much fun with him!!  He is making progress with choice making and today he rode on a modified tricycle!!  The bus is going great, he is doing well with the transition and we are so happy.
First ever school pics.  
I am pondering the meaning of life...

I think we all realize I am not really good at this blogging thing.  I reeeeaaaaalllllyyyy want to be, but I can't do it as much as I would like:(. I hope I get better!!!

Now, December 4 is coming soon, PKS Awareness day!!!  This will mark the 1 year mark of our blog too:). I really want to do something for it.  I have had a few ideas, but nothing has gone through.  I really want to bring more awareness for our PKS kids, so if you can think of anything I could do, email me:). I would be willing to speak, or bring Patrick places, whatever.

As most of you know we are starting a fund for Patrick, which is why we are having a fundraiser with those awesome t-shirts.  There are so many things about having a disabled child, that you don't realize you have to worry about...special needs trust funds, Will, vans, ramps, house modifications, equipment, etc.  This is why we are starting this fund now.  All of these things are expensive!!!!  We all know how well we get along with our insurance companies, and since Tim and I aren't rolling in the dough, this is going to be extremely helpful!!!! We can't thank all of you enough for your love and support!!!  Patrick is so lucky:).

Let's see, what are those other 2 kids up to??  Well Avery is great.  Doing awesome in school, and making friends, and going through the normal fun middle school shenanigans .  We spend a lot of time just being thankful that she is a good kid....and that we aren't going through that time of our life thanks!  Then there is Jameson....what can I say about him.  He is crazy, in the best way possible!!!  He is running around, giving high fives, making out with his stuffed animals(what can I say, he takes after his dad) and just generally making us laugh.
Hanging with my sissy
Don't let that face fool you...
Check out bubbs:)

So things are good.  We are happy to report that Patrick got his bath chair and his gait trainer(walker) is in for us to pick up.  We have appealed to get his bed paid for, we are waiting to hear about that!  So keep your fingers crossed please!  We are not sure how all of these things are going to fit in our house:).  
I'm chilling 

I am going to share the links again for the shirts.  If anyone wants to know about Patrick you can share my blog with them:).   We are so thankful!  Because we have such a great support system, I need a favor and ask if you can keep one of my very close friends in your thoughts and prayers.  Her family has been through a lot in the last year, and continues to have a need for support.  I know I am vague, but I will explain when I can.  Just say a little prayer please:).