Friday, November 14, 2014

Hey Ma...Look What I Can Do...

Happy and excited!!!

We had our teacher conference on Tuesday for Patrick and we couldn't be more thrilled about how well he is doing!!! We actually had to do an addendum to his IEP because he met a few of his goals already!!  We know that his progress comes in cycles, so we celebrate when he is in the mood that he currently is in, where he is motivated and happy and willing to try new things.  That mood can quickly change and hence, will quickly change my mood ;) But it's Bubby's prerogative...
 My school pictures.  I'm thinking modelling may be in his future

Some of the things he has improved on:
Using a switch to signal for more turns at school when he is playing with his friends(a switch is basically a button that signals a noise that he wants more),

He is slowly starting to suck from a straw...we desperately want to do away with sippy cups,

He is learning to hold a spoon for self feeding

He actually held cotton balls the other day at school....which may sound silly, but is HUGE for him!!  He hates touching most things, so this was very surprising
Random cuteness 

He is helping with transitions from sitting to standing...which means he is realizing he has legs and can actually use them.  Now, for Patrick that means he can just put some weight on his feet when they help him to stand.  It is very short and quick, but is huge for moving him to standing.
I like these doggies at school:)

The biggest excitement was last Saturday morning he decided to start taking pieces of banana from my hand and feed himself!!!!!!!!!!  I was jumping up and down:))) Once I composed myself I realized I should record this...I was able to get a few videos of him, although he was losing interest at that point....of course, so I had to help him a little;) But he was initially just swiping them out of my hand!!

I am so proud of him and how hard he works.  I also have to say that his teacher and therapists and aides at his school are INCREDIBLE!!!  We are so lucky!!  Patrick loves them and they love him and he has grown leaps and bounds with them.  I sometimes feel bad "bragging" about them, but then I I don't. They deserve it for what they do everyday for our kids.  I wish there were more of them in the world!
 Happy Halloween
Leaf Eating

Here's to continued progress....

So December 4th is PKS awareness day and is coming soon.  Tim and I will have something fun to share with you that day, that we are super excited about:)  So stay tuned!

Aaand we're out...
Pretty much the best picture on the planet